
Illiterate Books is an automatic ghostwriter, generating a rough draft of up to 50,000 words in seconds flat.

Like Mad Libs, or like an exquisite corpse, our stories won’t always make logical sense, but they'll always be entertaining. And they'll be decent first drafts, full of plot points, settings, and random imagery, giving you plenty of text to edit.

Writing is rewriting, and we help you get to your second draft faster.

Illiterate Books Is For Writers.

Our storytelling software helps novelists, screenwriters, and playwrights get their first drafts written faster. Your story is yours, to read and revise, to self-publish, and to share with friends.

Illiterate Books Is For Readers.

What if your favorite book told you a new story every time you read it? Good stories are full of surprises. Our storytelling platform creates customized stories uniquely suited to each user's preferences. And thanks to the power of randomization, no two stories are exactly alike.

Illiterate Books Is For Everyone.

Once upon a time, long before public schools and typewriters, writing and reading were activities reserved for the elite. Thanks to centuries of social and technological progress, writing a book has never been easier, and it's never been more fun. Come play. Choose a genre, name your characters, and shuffle and flip some text.

Everyone has a story to tell. Start telling yours today.

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